๏ปฟHosted by the EHF Congregational Engagement Team
Join us on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 @ 6PM for a conversation about the impact of Race and Culture from clergy of color and how we can make our ministries more inclusive.
The panel conversation will be moderated by
Scott Madison of St. James Episcopal, Austin
Guest speakers include:
The Rev. Roy Varghese
Good Shepherd Episcopal, Houston
The Rev. Rhonda Rogers
St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal, Prairie View
The Rev. Minerva Camarena Skeith
St. John's Episcopal, Austin
The Rev. Agook Kuol
St. Philip the Evangelist Episcopal, Houston
Learn how bridged the gap between race and culture as they share their experiences from different vantage points of ministry. This evening will enlighten and challenge us to consider our role in making our ministries more inclusive.
Contact Willie Bennett at wbennett@episcopalhealth.org