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(bilingual presentation) Ministry with Migrants: How to Share the Stories and Faithful Work of Those Seeking Asylum

At this workshop, speakers will present bilingually, in English and Spanish.


Flor Saldivar


Flor is a Rio Grande Valley native, child of immigrants, and life-long border resident. Upon witnessing the countless struggles of family, friends, and migrants in her community, she began to volunteer and organize with local organizations, eventually leading her to serve as Coordinator for Immigrant and Refugee Ministries with the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. She received dual degrees from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley with a B.A. in Mass Communications - Public Relations and Advertising and a B.M. in Opera Performance. Flor believes that community education and outreach is the key to understanding the ongoing humanitarian crisis along the border and in detention centers. She hopes to continue serving her diocese, its churches, and congregants to sustainably build, promote, and improve the lives of immigrants and refugees in their communities and hopes to become an immigration attorney and policy writer in the future. 

Alyssa Stebbing


Alyssa serves as Episcopal Migration Ministries Liaison for the Diocese of Texas and was a former Anglican delegate to the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW.) She has served in a variety of ministries that support those in poverty, fleeing violence, refugee resettlement, and border ministries. She also served at Trinity Epsicopal Church in The Woodlands as Outreach and Mission Coordinator. She is now a candidate for holy orders at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas with a concentration in Latinx Studies. 

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Difference: A Workshop

November 10

Difference: A Workshop